Find your Zen during your getaway to Mystique Casa Perla by Royalton at Serenity. Set aside some time during your stay and rejuvenate your body and spirit before your return home at our on-site, full-service health facility. Discover your best self with a host of wellness services offered at Serenity including a full range of massage and body and facial treatments, bringing together traditional healing practices within a modern facility.
Let our professional and courteous staff help you relax and recharge during your fabulous stay at Mystique Casa Perla.

Put your best face forward with these facial treatments that cleanse and purify your skin like masques, extractions, steam and massages to improve circulation and hydration. You’ll leave feeling fresh and looking vibrant.

Body Treatments
Love the skin you’re in with these luxurious whole body treatments. Designed to promote the regeneration of skin cells, aid your circulatory system and leave you smooth to the touch by exfoliating tired skin.

Turn back the clock and feel brand new with rejuvenating massage treatments. Enjoy more freedom in your movements by alleviating tense muscles and improve blood flow, eliminating harmful toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Hands & Feet
Indulge in a relaxing treatment for your hands and feet. Enjoy a delicate massage, scrub and cleanse to leave you feeling like you’re walking on a cloud. Afterwards, you can treat yourself to our signature mani/pedi!